El doble oro olímpico Robeisy Ramírez y el excampeón mundial Isaac Dogboe disputarán una eliminatoria WBO
Daniel Pi
El José Carlos Ramírez vs. Richard Commey no será el único cartel que Top Rank ofrecerá en el comienzo del segundo tercio del año, sino que la compañía dirigida por Bob Arum también confirmará próximamente un evento encabezado por una eliminatoria WBO del peso pluma entre el dos veces olímpico cubano Robeisy Ramírez y el exmonarca mundial supergallo Isaac Dogboe. En principio, si no hay un cambio de calendario, el Robeisy Ramírez vs. Dogboe se producirá el 1 de abril, una semana después del José C. Ramírez vs. Commey.
Unos días atrás se dio a conocer que el WBC había ordenado, o más bien reordenado, una eliminatoria del peso pluma entre Dogboe y Mark Magsayo, pero finalmente el primero (representado por Top Rank) se decantó por seguir la ruta WBO, algo que no es sorprendente teniendo en cuenta la estrecha relación de la promotora y el organismo.
En cualquier caso, el favorito para ganar el choque será el cubano Robeisy Ramírez, que ha dado un vuelco en su rendimiento desde el principio de su carrera profesional, que contrasta con el visible estancamiento en el boxeo del africano. No se puede pasar por alto tampoco que el vencedor del combate se convertirá en aspirante obligatorio del cinturón que actualmente posee Emanuel Navarrete, aunque está por ver si este se asentará en el peso superpluma si captura el cinto vacante WBO el 3 de febrero ante el australiano Liam Wilson.

Two-time Olympic gold medalist Robeisy Ramírez and former world champion Isaac Dogboe will clash in a WBO eliminator
Daniel Pi
The José Carlos Ramírez vs. Richard Commey card will not be the only one that Top Rank will offer at the beginning of the second third of the year, since the company led by Bob Arum will also soon confirm an event headlined by a WBO featherweight eliminator between Cuban, two-time Olympic gold medalist, Robeisy Ramírez and former super bantamweight world champion Isaac Dogboe. In principle, if there is no change in the schedule, the Robeisy Ramírez vs. Dogboe will take place on April 1, a week after the José C. Ramírez vs. Commey bout.
A few days ago it was announced that the WBC had ordered, or rather re-ordered, a featherweight eliminator match between Dogboe and Mark Magsayo, but finally the former (represented by Top Rank) decided to follow the WBO route, something that was not surprising considering the close relationship between the promoter and the organization.
In any case, the favorite to win the clash will be the Cuban Robeisy Ramírez, who has drastically improved his performance since the beginning of his professional career, which contrasts sharply with the visible stagnation in the African’s boxing. It cannot be overlooked either that the winner of the fight will become mandatory challenger for the belt currently held by Emanuel Navarrete, although it remains to be seen if the Mexican will settle at super featherweight if he captures the vacant WBO belt on February 3 against Australian Liam Wilson.